Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Five New Pages

I am determined to crack open those drawers of mine and blow off the dust & use my stuff. At the rate I am purchasing coupled with the output of work my stuff will be outdated. . .I'll be Queen of the Scrap Ratpacks. I may be that already because try as I may, I cannot get the organizing done in my scrap space=build up of supplies=I-don't-know-what-I have=no work.
Because I want to keep it Real, I journaled on the top L layout: "I'm ignoring the smirks on the faces of Frank & Luke, but there's definitely a
strain of composure on mine. The boys were bickering, we could hardly get a family photo done while Sarah was visiting. Wish me luck & stamina these next ten years! Oh, happy day."
And that priceless photo of Luke under the diving board: "You are sweet Luke. I don't want you to worry about things you cannot control in life. What you can control is more important anyway."
I am so happy to put on my Hawaiian music & Scrap On!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear B! How in the world do you make imPOSSIBLE color combinations work? Love the layouts and how you sneek in {seemingly} unrelated items in peek-a-boo fashion that tie the layouts together.

Mostly though, I love your kind words to your children.

keep keepin it REAL!