Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Twosies & Randomness w/ Scrapbooking

Twosies, like Onsies--ha ha:

Two new layouts. Notice I do not scrap chronologically so the first is of Sarah @ Two years old & my No-no. . .Oh how I love my kidlings! And scrapping them is a delight!

Two no-brainer books read: The Man from Stone Creek by Linda Lael Miller & The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever by Julia Quinn. Two talented authors, the first a western & second noted as "Truly our contemporary Jane Austen"; and I enjoyed these two reads very much! In the two years I think I've read all sixteen of Julia Quinn's books!

Two All Star Games played in Norco for Luke, the 9/10 year old division, Corona American Little League. They won the first game 11-4, got slammed the 2nd, 14-0 and we have the third game this evening. Very long baseball season this year!

Notes on Randomness w/ Scrapbooking: I am incorporating this process, I call the idea of using "randomness" while scrapbooking. Two of my favorite scrapbooking designers Jamie Waters at & Anja Wade of share that commonality of scrapping randomly. It's a sense of style I'd like to incorporate in my own work. But guess what? It's not that easy to do! Maybe I've learned to scrap in the classic style using strong straight edges--but I am looking to change all that. I think scrapping randomly is part of my personality so, you'll be seeing some strange concocted pages I think. I go over and over Jamie & Anja's work and am careful to observe the aspects of what I am excited about. . . Part of being random is just becoming comfortable with 'placement'.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

loving it Bee! keep the layouts coming....