Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cheerfulness Vs. Obamanomics

I may be in denial trying to be cheerful in these tanking economic times, my country--the Constitution transformed. . .

1 comment:

shazberry said...

Dear Mrs. Bee,

I remember quite some time ago, my mom telling me that you had a blog and how much she admired your creativity and faithfulness in updating it. Today it popped into my head to google your blog and sure enough I found it, so good of you to make it easy to find.

I had no idea you were such a vehement republican and your playfulness with words (in reference to) obamanomics and abomanation (pardon my mispellings) is quite enjoyable.

I imagine we are of a similar viewpoint in regards to the current economic state of the country and I am particularly fond of your "piece", that for lack of a better description, is a rant against the 900 billion dollar government spending plan.

In a struggling economy it seems like the money would have been better spent in the pockets of the average american, in the form of a tax refund of sorts, in an effort to increase consumer spending and stall the foreclosure market. I don't know much about it, but that's just me. ;)

Your Nextdoor Neighboor,
